Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Words for Women" by Angie Mancipe follow her on Twitter @Gigisunshine

Don't feel guilty when a good man comes along and makes you smile. You deserve to be happy. Just because your previous relationship made you conform to unhappiness does not mean that all relationships are meant to be like that. Rise above that mentality and embrace the love butterflies without guilt.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The much anticipated single from J. Cole "Return of Simba" A MUST LISTEN!!!

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

New Poem from Eric Wells entitled "Greener on the Other Side". Follow him on Twitter @SoPoeticWellz21

I could have been better....
Me?,With no doubt, I could have stacked money
To cool my physical
While my soul burns, buried in the urn of life...
I could be the type to hype up the stereo types
Of grouping cultures in one phrase,
Letting the hatred rage toward
"The Man"
I could be.... But why?
Instead I choose to bleed ink from the gift
Of my mind, through a pen...
I could have done better,
It's true
Good or Bad,
Accepting my sins, immaturity,
And the secrets of my mind..
I could be picture book like,
One sided without dimensions
Or jaded with life's dementia..
A twisted disturbed individual..
Or perhaps, simple minded and blinded
I could have been like others,
Once upon a time, I worshiped the shine
And dreamed of the glamor..
Looking back, that could have been me..
So mirror I ask, "What do you see?,"
I briefly pause then answer myself...
"I could have been many things, But more important
Is..... What I will be"

*Follow me to the pastures of the other side*

I want to apologize for the hiatus in posting a lot has been going on but for all of those concerned we are in the process of making (Y2Y) an official site by the end of the Summer so stay tuned!!!