Friday, June 17, 2011

This post is in loving memory of Devon "Speak the Truth" Mason. I would like for all of those who new Devon to pay your respects by leaving a comment on this poem.

"Memory Lane"
by: Eric Wells

I doze of to the reckless thoughts of your death,
The splatter of your Ora leaking
Stains my memories
Then I wonder,
What sins did you atone for, In your passing?
If the matter even matters....
Though my tears prove otherwise
When my soul cries
To honor your memorial,
A smile lost to the burial
Due to the metal buried
In a story untold,
And though words were never said
I can still recollect everything you once shared
Now to this day
Your words continue to flow through my veins
For, these tears that drop from my eyes
Never fall in vane
Because I understand that heaven has reclaimed you
But be that as it may
I must say
My opinion stands
For, you left to soon......
Marking the calendar with fears of the phone call
From that night
And the fright it brought
My thoughts shiver
To the conformation of the passed information 
Of my nightmares taking root through my brain
To damn real life
But being realistic,
How can I complain?
Because it was you struck down
In the prime of related eyes
Dying, killing a bit of all us with grief
Without relief......
As time goes on?
Still captive to the pain that remains
Along side the hatred,
To a sensible target 
To which we need to point the blame
If such a thing exist?
Either way, still existing are the mourning souls
Trying to express how you are missed
I weep from the farewells spent to,
Through the pine
With the unsettling shame
Of never being able to tune your attention
With the call of you name
Years Later......
My mind rewinds to that day
I struggle to cease the war raging
But in the mist I find a place
To wish this

*Rest In Peace*
Devon Mason
Gone but never forgotten..........

American Nightmare (Caged In) by Brandon Newberry

Trapped inside this cage
no way out so i need to be saved
I'm a slave to this lifestyle they call the american dream
cuz it seems
the only way to be successful
is to be stressful
loans, mortgage, and rent
debit cards, credit cards, the money you spent
happiness is right outside this red white and blue cage
and this star spangled chain attached to my neck makes it no better
that bling aint gonna hide you from them bill collectors
repo your car, take your house
while you at the bar, he visits your spouse
the american dream is lookin more like a nightmare
i wish it would change
if i wake up now, i'll still b n this cage
am i livin or am i dyin' slowly?
am at a stand still lookin' down both streets with nuthin on my feet
do i walk down this street filled with broken glass
knowin one day the money gonna be comin fast?
or do i walk the road to riches
full of so many bitches
that  got you takin detours
wit no guarantee of success but guaranteed to make you poor
the more you step on that broken glass
the other road looks more appealing
the moment you doubt yourself, you hit an invisible ceiling
fuck it..
im goin over here where the bitches at
all TENS
when i get there i realize im dreamin again
heart and soul filled with so much rage
yet i can't do nothin' in this red, white, and blue cage.......

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Here @ (Y2Y) we aspire to Get Out Our Dreams and hope to inspire you to do the same"

"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."