Friday, October 7, 2011


Globally We are Mourning The Death of an Icon in His Field: Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955-October 5, 2011)

The death this week of Steve Jobs reverberated around the world. Everyone felt a keen sense of loss for a man who was an iconic figure in the worlds of technology, entrepreneurship, innovation, and design. If you ever owned an ipod, iphone, imac or any other apple products you are connected to the genius that was Steve Jobs.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"In Life You Miss 100% of the Shots You Never Take"

Monday's Motivation: 5 ways to start off a great week of success!!!

Everyone always has a terrible case of the Mondays so we here at Y2Y wanted to give you some tips on how to start off a successful week of school or work.

1. Spend an hour on Monday morning devoted to personal development.
-Spend 60 minutes after your day working on yourself this will give you the personal time you need to start off the day.

2. Sing/listen to music.
-Put on your headphones and get into your own zone or place of personal comfort and relaxation.

3. Avoid negativity.
-In life it is almost inevitable to completely avoid negativity, but try to avoid it all cost.

4. Take the time out to reflect on life.
-Just take sometime out to reflect on life. Keep your goals in mind and formulate your goals.

5. Read a positive quote every morning.
-Read an inspirational or  motivational quote every morning to give your day the boost it needs.