Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dark Youth of the U.S.A.

"Dark Youth of the U.S.A."

Sturdy I stand, books in my hand--

Today's dark child, tomorrow's strong man:

The hope of may race

To mould a place

In America's magic land.

American am I, none can deny:

He who Oppresses me, him I defy!

I am Dark Youth

Seeking the truth

Of a free life beneath our great sky.

Long a part of the Union's heart-

Years ago at the nation's start

Attucks died

That right might abide

And strength to our land impart.

To be wise and strong, then, studying long,

Seeking the knowledge that rights all wrong-

That is my mission

Lifting my race to its rightful place

Till Beauty and pride fills each dark face

Is my ambition.

So I climb toward tomorrow, out of the past sorrow,

Treading the modern way

With the White and the Black whom nothing holds back

The American Youth of Today.

-Langston Hughes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"The Mission"

While we are here we must be committed to change. The initial change must be within, then change our external actions and perceptions, and then reach out to the current and future generations to change the perceived image of our youth. All of the knowledge we have been deprived of as kids and adolescents, but were able to acquire as young adults we must share with those who are lacking and uninformed. The goal is to create an informative Renaissance of music, poetry, art, photography, writing and other artistic talents. Along with being able to spread knowledge of money management, STD awareness, higher education and many more things effecting the youth of America.


Save Now or Sink later.

Saving money is something we all know about, but rarely do. Now more than ever with the economy and Government in turmoil, we as Young People NEED to save money. Most people think you need $1,000,000 to save money or be filthy rich... right? wrong! Check out this scenario: If you eat a $5 footlong sub everyday (excluding tax, drink, or combo) monday through friday for an entire month (30 days) that is $150. Now take that $150 x 12 months =$1,800. Now do this for the next 40 years and you have $72,000. Thats crazy right? All off of $5 a day! So the next time you go to spend money think about SAVING it!