Saturday, June 11, 2011

"A Message for the College Students"

We want to send a special shoutout to all of the college students I hope everyone is having a great summer!!! To all those who graduated we wish you the best of luck in the future. For all those returning to campus keep your eyes on the prize the end of the tunnel is not far away. Continue to encourage your younger siblings, family members, and any young person you come in contact with about the importance of higher education. "We are the Future" (Y2Y)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Michael Vick is set to Release his Auto-biography "Finally Free" July 27th.

The true story behind Michael Vick's roller coaster ride from fame to prison to his remarkable story of redemption this book is sure to be a must read. "Finally Free" is definitely a book that should be added to your collection.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shoutsout to the "Home Team" and

I have to send a special shoutout to @KevNice23 and @JasonS_Leeric and all those affiliated with we here at (Y2Y) are truly fans of what you do and wish you continued success!!!

Retirement and Roth IRA's

Retirement! Many of us have grandparents and or parents who are steadily approaching this wondrous time in Life. What is retirement? Retirement- a time period in which one stops working, but "CONTINUES" to live. Now more than ever with our economy in turmoil and inflation on a rise, saving for retirement is key to living a financially comfortable life after work. So how do you get started? what is a Roth Ira ? First, you need to sit down and see how much money YOU spend per month and then multiply that by 1 entire year. This includes bills, leisure activities, etc. A good rule of thumb is to start by investing $50 bi-weekly into your Roth IRA, which will equate to $1200 a year! A roth Ira is an Individual Retirement Account that allows you to save money after retirement. After that, you can raise the denomination of how much you want to put into your Ira. So whats the catch? The only catch is that you can't dip into your money until you are 59 1/2. If you do, you will be subjected to penalties and other taxes. So whats the benefit? If you don't touch the money you will be able to recieve your funds TAX FREE! So be patient, and invest today so you can enjoy TOMORROW!