Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Success Continues

Fingers snap, feet tap to the rhythm
The universe joins in
To the joyful celebration
Its been a long time coming,
Now I'm humming to a new tune
As the scribbles in my poetry book sing 
The lyrics of my pen
This song is battle tested
Risen above the ridicule
Flood waters subsided
Now my pages are shining
Gold thread lines my verses
All praise goes up and
Blessings sprinkle from the heavens
Running across my physical
This is my testament
Of empty days
Poured to fulfill my dreams
And since those days a no longer 
I share my toast but
Not to boast or brag
Instead to encourage your personal
Success.... Of the present and that yet to come
See, I'm planted to my Success
For it comes from the roots of my work
Now that it has sprouted
Budding with enthusiasm
I must spread it
Pollinating every surrounding fields
Even in my Success
I only play a part,
I'm skilled with my instrument
Letting my poetry ring out
Can you hear?
The echos fade in and out
"The Success Continues"

-Eric Wells

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